Stewardship Lifestyle Seminar

A three-day seminar to help Christians establish a Biblical framework for everyday financial decisions and apply Biblical truth in every financial season of life

A Biblical Framework for Everyday Financial Decisions

The Stewardship Lifestyle Seminar is a three-day event that stretches from Sunday morning to Tuesday evening and which focuses on teaching foundational, Biblical financial priorities to apply to everyday decisions in every season of life. The principles emphasized during this seminar cover a variety of topics such as proactive parenting, priorities from a Biblical worldview, budgeting and debt elimination, financial and tax planning, retirement income preparation, and Christian estate planning. At Life Institute, we believe instruction without application can lead to frustration. Therefore, we spend a large amount of time focusing on practical application during the seminar.

Applying Biblical Truth in Every Financial Season

During the seminar, we spend a significant amount of time conducting Personal Stewardship Reviews. These confidential, one-on-one meetings provide helpful tactics for families to apply Biblical principles to their unique situations as they discuss budgeting, cash flow, savings, debt, taxes, investments, and life insurance with a Christian financial advisor.

These sessions conclude with guidance related to wills and power-of-attorneys, and families are encouraged to plan for the future by including their testimony of faith in Jesus Christ and providing for their local church or ministry in their legal documents (i.e. will, trust). If needed, we’re glad to connect families with a local attorney who can draft or update their legal documents with a Biblical worldview in mind.

Seminar Blessings

We are excited to help Christians and families take steps in their stewardship journey to become better managers of the money God has gifted them.

Seminar Sessions & Topics

Cultivating Stewardship in the Next Generation

Your Stewardship Unleashes the Power of the Gospel


Cash Flow, Budgeting & Debt Elimination

Stewardship Lessons from King Solomon

(Ecclesiastes 5)

Financial, Tax & Retirement Planning

Christian Legacy & Estate Planning

Great Seminar Add-ons

Piercing Word’s ‘Stewardship’ presentation is a wonderful add-on to help Christians see the Biblical Principles in action! This optional presentation works best when performed after the Stewardship Lifestyle Seminar. Click here to learn more about Piercing Word’s ‘Stewardship’.

Memorize the same verses on financial stewardship that we teach in the seminar! Visit our VerseLocker scripture collection, created by Scripture Memory Fellowship. Click here to start memorizing today!

How Can We Help?

Have a question or ready to start planning your seminar? Get in touch with our team to get started.